Keyboard Shortcuts
- Help Center
- Index
account settings
- Changing your email address
- Creating a account
- Customizing your account profile and group profiles
- Dealing with bouncing accounts
- Deleting your account
- Displaying your account settings
- Exporting your account data
- Logging in to your account
- Logging out of your account
- Merging accounts
- Recovering your account if you enter an incorrect email address
- Setting dark mode
- Setting or changing your social login preference
- Setting the number of items to show on group web pages
- Setting your language, time, and date display preferences
- Setting your preferred text editor
- Understanding accounts
activity log
Android app
- About group calendars
- Adding calendar events
- Adding events from outside calendar invitations
- Calendar settings
- Downloading event iCalendar (ICS) files
- Editing or deleting calendar events
- Subscribing to a group's calendar
- Using the RSVP feature
- Viewing a group's calendar and events
- Your Calendar home page
cover photo
credit card on file
dark mode
email address
Emailed Photos album
extra member data
- Changing the group's cover photo and icon
- Creating a group
- Customizing group settings
- Deleting a group or subgroup
- General settings
- Group aliases
- Group and content restrictions
- Inviting people to join a group
- Joining a group by email
- Joining a publicly listed group through the group's website
- Joining or leaving groups
- Leaving a group
- Locked Group notice
- Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups
- Promoting your group
- Receiving a notice that you were added to a group
- Renaming a group
- Responding to an invitation to join a group
- Standard group email addresses
- Upgrading a Free group
- Visiting your groups' websites
- Applying hashtags to existing topics
- Applying hashtags to new topics
- Controlling the use and creation of hashtags
- Creating a hashtag
- Deleting a hashtag
- Editing a hashtag
- Hashtag uses and notes
- How hashtags are displayed in the group archive
- System hashtags and associated notifications
- Viewing the hashtags in a group
HTML editor
iOS app
items per page
keyboard shortcuts
logging in
Markdown editor
- Adding members directly
- Adding moderator notes
- Adding or updating members' display names
- Banning or unbanning members
- Changing a member's email address
- Changing an owner or moderator back to a regular member
- Displaying an individual member's record
- Displaying the member list
- Handling members marked NC
- Handling pending members
- Inviting people to join a group
- Making a member an owner or moderator
- Message to Member notice
- Moderating individual members
- Removed Member notice
- Removing members from the group
- Reviewing members who were removed because of reported spam
- Synchronizing group members with a file of email addresses
- Synchronizing group members with Slack teams
- Viewing information about past members
- About footers
- Controlling how much email you receive from a group
- Deleting individual messages
- Downloading a group's message archive
- Editing the content of messages in the archive
- Footers in individual email messages
- Group owner email messages
- Handling pending messages
- Message formatting settings
- Message policy settings
- Message reposting settings
- Moderating topics, messages, and attachments
- Reporting messages to moderators or Support
- Reposting messages
- Responding to a "You have been removed because of reported spam" message from
- Searching for messages in the archive
- Seeing copies of your own messages that you email to groups
- Using email to send or reply to group messages
- Using the group's website or app to post new topics or reply to existing messages
- Using the Like feature
- Viewing topics and messages on group websites
mobile app
moderation settings
- About notices
- Banned Member notice
- Creating, editing, or deleting notices
- Direct Add notice
- Displaying the Notices page
- Goodbye notice
- Group Guidelines notice
- Group Sponsorship notice
- Invite notice
- Locked Group notice
- Locked Topic notice
- Message to Member notice
- Monthly Reminder notice
- Pending Subscription notice
- Rejected Message notice
- Rejected Subscription notice
- Removed Member notice
- Welcome notice
past members
privacy settings
private groups
public groups
reposting messages
Slack synchronization
social logins
spam control settings
spam reported message
special notices
text editor
- Applying hashtags to existing topics
- Applying hashtags to new topics
- Deleting topics
- Editing the properties of topics in the archive
- Locked Topic notice
- Locking and unlocking topics
- Merging topics
- Moderating topics, messages, and attachments
- Pinning topics and wiki pages
- Splitting topics
- Topic icons
- Topic threading algorithm
- Topics home page
- Using email to send or reply to group messages
- Using the group's website or app to post new topics or reply to existing messages
- Using the Like feature
- Viewing topics and messages on group websites
two-factor authentication
web/app notifications
- About the Wiki feature
- Adding a table of contents to a wiki page
- Adding, editing, or deleting wiki footers
- Adding, editing, or deleting wiki sidebars
- Creating and editing wiki pages
- Deleting wiki pages
- Displaying a specific wiki page
- Viewing a group's wiki
- Viewing a wiki page's revision history
- Wiki settings