Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.
About JSON and CSV files
You can create a database by importing an existing file that is one of these types:
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation format)
- CSV (comma-separated values format)
A JSON file can contain all the properties of a database (including description, permissions, and so on). A CSV file can contain only table columns and rows.
- If the group does not allow members to create databases, you will not be able to import JSON or CSV files.
- Explaining how to create JSON and CSV files is outside the scope of the Help Center.
Importing a JSON file
- Display the group’s Databases page.
- Click or tap the Import JSON button at the top.
- In the Import JSON popup, use the Browse button to navigate to and select the JSON file that you want to import, then click or tap the Import button.
Importing a CSV file
! Important: Before you import a CSV file, you must first create a database and add columns that match the columns in the CSV file. cannot import a CSV file to a database unless the corresponding columns already exist in that database.
Tip: The CSV file can contain a header line with column names that match the columns in the database you created, but a header line is not required.
To import a CSV file:
- Display the database containing the columns that are in the CSV file.
- On that database’s page, click or tap the Import Rows button.
- In the Import CSV popup:
- Use the Browse button to navigate to and select the CSV file that you want to import.
- If the first line of the CSV file contains the column names, select the File Has Header Line checkbox.
- Click or tap the Import button.