Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

When you receive an email notification about a new chat, open the email message and click or tap the View/Join This Chat link to go to the chat’s page on the group website.


  • If you are not logged in to your account, you will need to log in before the chat’s page is displayed.
  • If you have not set a username and/or display name in your account, the Your Identity popup appears and prompts you to enter the missing element(s). This information is optional, but having a username allows other members to tag (@mention) you in chats, and the display name identifies you by something other than your email address. If desired, complete the popup and click or tap Update Identity (if you prefer not to add a username or display name, just click or tap Cancel). Then you will see the chat’s page.
    Note: The username you enter in the popup is added to your overall account profile. The display name you enter in the popup is added to your profile for this individual group; if the chat is in a subgroup, the display name is added to your profile for the main group. 
  • Do not reply to the notification email message. You cannot participate in group chats by email.

The chat’s page at the group’s website shows a preview of the chat activity so far. To participate in the chat, click or tap the Join Chat button on the page. 

Tip: Another way to join a chat is to  on the group’s website or in the mobile app and select the chat you want to join.

Desktop browser: In the left menu on a group’s website, select Chats.
Mobile device: Go to the group and tap the Chats icon at the bottom of a page.