Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

To add an event to a group calendar:

  1. .

    Desktop browser: On the group’s website, in the left menu, click Calendar.

    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then tap Calendar on the More menu.

  2. Click or tap the Add Event button at the bottom of the page.
    Tip: In a desktop browser, you can also click a date in Month view, a time in a date column in Week view, or the time in Day view.
    Note: If the group does not allow members to add calendar events, the Add Event button is inactive and it is not possible to select a date or time.
  3. Complete the elements on the Add Event page:
      • In the Event Name field, enter the name of the event the way you want it to be listed on the calendar.
        ! Important: This name is required.
        Tip: You can enter hashtags in the Event Name field. Make sure you include the hash character (#), and put a space before each hashtag (and after a hashtag if it is the middle of the text).
      • Select the start date, end date, start time, end time, and (if necessary) timezone. If the event does not have a specific time, select the All Day checkbox, which removes the Start Time and End Time fields.
    • If the event is a repeating event, select the Event Repeats checkbox in the Repeats panel to display additional fields where you can select when and how often the event is repeated and when to end the repeating event.

    • Complete the desired fields in this panel. Be aware that:

      • A Google Maps link is created for an address or place entered in the Location field.
      • In the Organizer Email field, a mailto: link is created for the email address. 
        Note: By default, your (the event creator) email address is in this field. If you change the email address and it belongs to another member of the group, that member will have editing privileges for the event.
      • In the Organizer Phone field, a tel: link is created for the telephone number.

      Tip: The fields in this panel are optional, but completing them can simplify finding an event’s location or contacting an event’s organizer. You can also click or tap the Event Color box to assign a color to the event. Colors can be useful for visually categorizing events on the calendar.

    • If desired, click or tap the Add Reminder button in this panel to add one or more reminder notifications that will be sent to the group before the event occurs. Click or tap Add Reminder for each reminder you want to add. For example, you might want a reminder to be sent to the group 4 weeks before the event and another reminder to be sent 1 week before the event.


      • Reminder notification messages are tagged automatically with the #cal-reminder system hashtag.
      • The system ignores any reminder entered for less than 1 minute before the event. (The page does allow such a reminder to be entered initially, but if you edit the event later, that reminder will not be listed.)
    • Select this check box if you want a notification message to be sent to the group automatically at the time the event occurs. The message will be tagged with the #cal-notice system hashtag.

  4. When you have completed the Add Event page, go to the bottom of the page and click or tap the applicable button:
    • Add Event: Add the event to the calendar without sending a notification to group members that the event was added.
    • Add Event & Invite Group: Add the event to the calendar and send an email to group members with an attached iCalendar (ICS) file. Members can add that ICS file to their personal calendars if desired.
      Note: A #cal-invite system hashtag is automatically added to the e-mail’s subject line.
    • Back: Return to the calendar page if you change your mind about adding the event.