Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.
To view a file:
Desktop browser: On the group’s website, in the left menu, click Files.
Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon and then tap Files on the More menu.
Note: If you do not see a Files entry on the menu, then the Files feature is disabled for that group, members are not allowed to view files, or the group is a Free group that was created after August 24, 2020.
- On the Files page, click or tap a file’s link to open the file. If the files are organized in folders, click or tap a folder’s link to open it and see the files it contains.
- On the Files page, you can click or tap a column’s heading to sort the list of files and folders by that heading. Clicking or tapping the column heading a second time reverses the sort order.
- You can change the number of files and folders you see on a page in the display preferences for your account. See Setting the number of items to show on group web pages.
- You can use the Search field and icon at the upper right of the Files page to search for files. The search engine finds keywords in file names and descriptions, and it also searches the contents of plain text and PDF files only. It does not search the contents of any other types of files (such as Microsoft Word documents).
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