Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

To report a photo to the group’s moderators (for example, because you think it is not appropriate for the group) or to Support (for example, because you think it violates the Terms of Service):

  1. On the group’s website or in the the mobile app, display the photo you want to report.
  2. At the bottom of the photo’s page, click or tap the Report This Photo button.
  3. In the Report Photo popup:
    • Enter the reason you are reporting the photo.
    • Select Report to Moderators or Report to Support, as applicable.
    • Click or tap Report. An email message with the subject “Content flagged as objectionable” is sent to the group moderators or to Support. Your email address is included in that message.

Note: The member who uploaded the photo you reported is not notified about the complaint. It is up to the group’s moderators or Support to determine how to act on your complaint.