Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

On the Add Database or Modify Database page, you can specify or update these properties of a database table:

  • In this field, enter the name of the table. This name will become the link on the Databases page that members click or tap to view the table.

  • In this field, enter a short description that will appear under the database’s name on the Databases page.

  • In this field, enter a more detailed description that will appear at the top of the database’s page when members are viewing the database.

  • specifying who can view and edit the database, add rows, and edit rows

    In each list on the Permissions panel—View Database, Edit Database, Add Rows, Edit Rows—select who can perform the associated action for that table. The options are all group members or only group moderators plus the database owner.

    You can also change the database owner on this panel by selecting a different person from the Database Owner list.

  • for hiding system-provided columns

    In this panel, you can specify whether the system-provided ID and Updated columns in the database are hidden by default when members view the database. Select the checkbox for the column you want to hide (you can select both). Members can later use the Visible button at the bottom of the database’s page (see Viewing databases) to display those columns if desired.


    • The ID column contains sequential numbers that automatically assigns to table rows to uniquely identify them. ID numbers are permanently assigned to rows and do not change when other rows are added or deleted.
    • The Updated column contains the date when the associated row was last updated.
    • The ID and Updated columns cannot be edited.

! Important: If you are modifying a database, make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Update button to apply your changes.