If you have a Free group and you decide you want to upgrade it to a Premium group:

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesUpgrade.
    Mobile browser: Tap the More icon at the bottom of a group page, then select Admin > Preferences > Upgrade on the More menu.
    Restriction: In the Groups.io mobile app, the Upgrade entry is not available due to rules imposed by Google Play and the Apple App Store. On a mobile device, you must use a browser to upgrade the plan.
  2. On the Billing page that appears, click or tap the View/Change Plan button at the upper right.
  3. On the Upgrade page that appears, in the Premium Plan panel, click or tap the applicable Upgrade button and follow the subsequent instructions.
    Tip: Use the Calculate Costs panel at the bottom of the Upgrade page to calculate how much your plan will cost.


  • It is not possible to change an existing Free group to a free Premium trial group.
  • If no credit card is on file when the time comes for the group’s paid plan to be renewed, and the group has insufficient funds in its sponsorship reserve, the system sends an overdue notice to all group owners and moderators stating that the group has two weeks to pay the invoice (minus any sponsorship reserve amount) or the group will be automatically downgraded. Be aware that Groups.io currently has no mechanism to automatically pay an invoice if additional sponsorship amounts come in to cover it.

To upgrade to an Enterprise group, follow the instructions above, but, in step 3, click or tap the Contact Us button at the bottom of the Enterprise Plan panel, then complete and submit the subsequent form.