maintains a directory of publicly listed groups that you can search to find groups you might be interested in joining. When you find a group you are interested in, you can submit a request to join it:

  1. In the blue header at the top of any page, click or tap the Find or Create a Group link in a desktop or mobile browser or the Find a Group link in the mobile app.
    Note: On a mobile device, you might need to use landscape orientation to see that link in the blue header. In portrait orientation, you can tap your profile photo (or the generic icon if you have not set a profile photo) on the right side of the blue header and then select Find or Create a Group or Find a Group from the dropdown menu.
  2. On the Publicly Listed Groups page that appears, look for a group that you are interested in. You can use these methods to narrow the list:
    • Enter keywords in the Search field at the top and then click or tap the Search button.
    • Use the left menu options to filter the list of groups:
      • Most Popular
      • Most Active
      • Newest
      • By Name

      Note: In portrait orientation on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the page to see those options.

  3. When you find a group that you want to join, click or tap its link to go to its home page on

    Restriction: Someone who has been banned from a group that they want to join will be unable to get to that group’s home page while they are logged in to

  4. On the group’s home page, look for a button you can click or tap to join the group:
    • If it is an unrestricted group that anyone can join without requiring approval from the group’s moderators, the button is labeled Join This Group.
    • If it is a restricted group that requires membership requests to be approved by the moderators, the button is labeled Apply For Membership In This Group.
  5. Click or tap the button and follow the subsequent instructions.

Tip: If the Group Settings section on a group’s home page states “Archive is visible to anyone,” the Group Information section on that home page will contain a link to the group’s RSS feed. (See the Group_Help group for an example.) You can subscribe to that group’s feed using your RSS feed reader/application of choice, without joining the group. However, you will not be able to add topics or reply to topics unless you become a member of the group.