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Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

Creating a wiki page

  1. Go to the wiki.
  2. Click or tap the gray ellipsis (...) button at the top and select New Page from the dropdown menu.
    Note: If the button is not shown, group members are not allowed to create wiki pages.
  3. Complete the new wiki page:
    • In the first field, enter a title for the page. This title will appear in the gray navigation bar at the top of the wiki page and also in the list of pages displayed by the Pages button that is at the top of each wiki page.
    • In the text editor box, enter and format the text of your wiki page.
    • Under the text editor box, enter a short note explaining the purpose of the page. This note is optional but recommended because it will appear in the page’s revision history.
    • If you are the group’s owner or a moderator and you want only moderators to be able to edit the page after it is created, select the Only moderators can edit this page checkbox.
      Note: This checkbox does not appear unless you are an owner or moderator.
    • If you want to send a system-generated email notification about the new page to group members, select the Notify Members checkbox. The email notification will contain a link to the page and will have the #wiki-notice system hashtag.
      Note: Owners and moderators who have opted to receive notifications about wiki changes always receive a notification when a new wiki page is created.
  4. Go to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Save Page button.

Editing a wiki page

  1. Go to the wiki and display the page you want to edit.
  2. Click or tap the gray ellipsis (...) button at the top and select Edit Page from the dropdown menu.
    Note: If the Edit Page button is not available, group members are not allowed to edit the page.
  3. On the editing page, make your changes, and enter a brief note explaining the edits. This note is optional but recommended because it will appear in the page’s revision history.
    Note: Before May 5, 2020, wiki page titles were also used for the pages’ URLs. If you change the title of a wiki page that existed before May 5, 2020, existing links containing that page’s original title will break. As of May 5, 2020, wiki pages are assigned unique ID numbers that appear in page URLs and do not change if a page’s title is changed.
  4. Go to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Save Edit button.
  5. In the Verify Edit confirmation popup:
    • If you want to send a system-generated email notification about the edited page to group members, select the Notify Members checkbox. The email notification will contain a link to the page and will have the #wiki-notice system hashtag.
      Note: Owners and moderators who have opted to receive notifications about wiki changes always receive a notification when an existing wiki page is updated.
    • Click or tap Yes to save the edited page (and send a notice to members if you selected the Notify Members checkbox).

Text editing tips

You can set your preferred text editor (HTML, Markdown, or Plain Text) in your account preferences (see Setting your preferred text editor). However, be aware that the editor you select will be used only on new wiki pages that you create. When a group member edits an existing page, the text editor they see will be the one that the page’s creator used, which might be different from the editing member’s preferred text editor.

In the HTML editor, you can easily add links to other wiki pages by clicking or tapping the Insert link to wiki page icon. That icon displays a popup containing a dropdown list of all the current pages in the wiki. From the list, you can select the page you want to link to.

In a desktop browser, in the HTML editor, you can display additional formatting options by clicking or tapping the ellipsis (...) on the left in the toolbar.