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In certain situations, you will receive an email message from asking you to reply to complete your subscription. The situations that generate this message are:

  • You do not have a account, and you click or tap a Join This Group button on a group’s website.
  • You do not have a account, and you accept an email invitation to join a group.
  • You have a account but you are not logged in to it, and you click or tap a Join This Group button on a group’s website.
  • You are logged in to a account but you do not yet belong to any groups, and you click or tap a Join This Group button on a group’s website.
  • You send an email request to join a group that is restricted (that is, a group owner or moderator must approve membership requests).
  • You change the email address in your account.
  • You create a new account.

The subject line of the email message is “Confirm your subscription.”

! Important: You must reply to that message to verify your email address and complete your subscription. You do not need to include any additional text in your reply.


  • If you do not respond to the “Confirm your subscription” message, you will not receive group messages or have access to the group’s website on
  • After you belong to at least one group, you will not receive “Confirm your subscription” messages for additional groups that you join by using the Join This Group button on those groups’ websites.

Tip: If you think you should be getting group messages but you are not receiving any, check the spam folder in your email application in case a “Confirm your subscription” message was routed there mistakenly by your email provider.