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Premium and Enterprise groups can request donations from their group members, and all groups can enable a sponsorship feature. If you have made donations to or sponsored a group, you can review your donation or sponsorship history in your account:

  1. Go to your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Billing.
    Mobile browser: Tap the More icon at the bottom of the page, then tap Billing on the More menu.
    Restriction: In the mobile app, the Billing entry is not available due to rules imposed by Google Play and the Apple App Store. Therefore, on a mobile device, you must use a browser to see the Billing page.
  3. On the Billing page, review the Donation History panel and the Sponsorship History panel. 

Your account’s Billing page also allows you to specify a credit card to keep on file with If you already used a credit card to make a donation or payment, that card’s information is shown here.

Note: If you are the designated payer for any paid groups, your Billing page shows your payment history on the Group Payment History panel.