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In a Premium or Enterprise group, the owner can allow members to repost messages to the group and can specify the maximum number of times that a message can be reposted. For example, a group that posts classified ads might allow members to repost ads after a specified period of time if items are not sold.


  • Reposted messages are tagged automatically with the #repost hashtag.
  • You can repost only your own messages.
  • The message you repost must be the first one in the topic. Replies cannot be reposted.

To repost a message in a group that allows reposting:

  1. After the number of days before reposting is allowed have elapsed, go to the group’s website and display the message that you want to repost.
    Note: The group’s owner or a moderator sets the number of days before messages can be reposted.
  2. Look for and click or tap More at the lower right of the message.
  3. In the popup menu, select Repost [subject to group limits].
  4. In the Verify Repost confirmation popup, click or tap Yes.

Related help topic

  1. Message reposting settings