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Some email providers—notably Gmail—do not show their users copies of the messages that those users send to groups through email. If (a) you use one of those providers, (b) your email delivery option is set to Individual Messages, and (c) you want to ensure that you see copies in your email application of messages that you have emailed to your groups, follow these steps:

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Preferences.
    Mobile device: Tap the Prefs icon at the bottom of the page.
  3. Scroll to the Email Preferences panel near the bottom of the page.
  4. Under My Messages, select the I always want copies of my own emails checkbox.
    Note: This checkbox is selected by default in new accounts. If you do not want to see copies of your own messages, clear this checkbox.
  5. Click or tap the Update Preferences button at the bottom of the page.

For those interested in the technical details: When this checkbox is selected, replaces the Message-Id header with a new, system-generated one and renames the original Message-Id header to X-Orig-Message-Id.