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Full-featured digests

Full-featured digests have a footer under each message in the digest plus a different footer at the end of the entire digest.

The footers under individual messages in the digest look similar to this example:

Footer example

Other links that might appear in individual message footers include Mute This Topic, Unfollow This Topic, and Mute #hashtagname (with the specific hashtag name displayed). The links in the digest behave similarly to the ones in individual HTML messages.

The footer at the end of the entire digest looks similar to this example:

Footer example

Plain text digests

Plain text digests have a footer under each message in the digest plus a different footer at the end of the entire digest.

The footers under individual messages in the digest look similar to this example:

Footer example

The group owner email address and group web addresses might appear as links (as in the examples above and below) if your email application automatically creates links from text that appears to be email addresses or web addresses. Other links that might appear in individual message footers include Follow This Topic and Unfollow This Topic. The links in the digest behave similarly to the ones in individual plain text messages.

The footer at the end of the entire digest looks similar to this example:

Footer example

Updated: March 10, 2025