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About Groups.io profiles

In Groups.io, you have a member profile for your overall account as well as a separate profile for each individual group that you belong to.

Information that is in your account profile is automatically applied to your individual group profiles, but you can change the information in your group profiles. For example, you might want to display different profile information for different types of groups you belong to such as hobby groups, community groups, professional interest groups, general interest groups, and so on.

Customizing your overall Groups.io account profile

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Identity.
    Mobile device: Tap the Identity icon at the bottom of the page.
    A page appears with your overall Groups.io account profile information.
  3. Complete your account profile as desired (all elements are optional except for Profile Privacy):
    • Use the Browse button to select a photo to associate with your profile.

    • Usernames can be @mentioned in Groups.io chat messages. If you want to have a username in Groups.io, enter a unique, short name with no punctuation or spaces. This name appears with an at sign (@) in front of it and is shown after your display name (if you set one) in individual group profiles.

      Note: This username applies to all your individual group profiles as well. You cannot change it in those profiles.

    • Enter the name you want listed with your messages (for example, your first and last names). In a dekstop browser, and on a mobile device in landscape orientation, this name also appears as your account name at the upper right of group pages.


      • This field might be populated automatically with the name from your incoming email header (if the header contains that information) the first time you post a message to the group by email. You can change the name here and it will be used in all subsequent messages that you post to groups. Changes in this field do not affect the email header in your email application.
      • The name you enter here is displayed in all the groups you belong to at this email address. If you want to use a different display name in an individual group, customize your profile for that group (see below).
      • Group owners and moderators can change the display names of members in their groups. Such changes affect only those groups; the display names in members’ account profiles are not affected.
    • (required)

      Select who can see your profile information:

      • Only group owners & moderators
      • Other members of your groups
      • Public

      Note: This setting also controls whether your profile is listed in the member directories of the groups you belong to. You can change it for individual groups by customizing your profiles for those groups (see below).

    • Enter and format text that explains who you are (or whatever information you want to provide).

      Note: If you want to provide a signature that is added to messages you post to groups from group websites, you can do so on the Subscription page for each group.

    • Enter your location.

    • Enter the URL of your personal website.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Update Overall Profile button.

Note: Changes you make to your overall profile also are applied to the corresponding fields in your individual group profiles unless you previously customized those fields in those profiles. You can go to a group profile to edit those customized fields.

Customizing your profile for an individual group

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Identity.
    Mobile device: Tap the Identity icon at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the resulting page, click or tap the Overall Profile button at the top to display a dropdown list of your groups, then select the group for which you want to customize your profile.
  4. Complete your group profile page as desired (see the instructions above for customizing your overall profile).
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Update Group Profile button.
    Tip: You can click or tap the Reset Group Profile button to set all fields back to the information that is in your overall account profile.

Tip: Another way to get to your profile for an individual group is to go to that group and select Subscription > Group Profile from the left menu (in a desktop browser) or the More menu (on a mobile device). Then click or tap the Edit Group Profile button to customize that profile.

Updated: March 10, 2025