Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup
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© 2025

You can specify the number of items to show in lists on group web pages: 

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Preferences.
    Mobile device: Tap the Prefs icon at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the resulting page, in the Items Per Page list at the bottom of the Display Preferences panel, select the number of items—20, 50, 100, or infinite scroll—you want to see in lists of those items on group web pages.
  4. Go to the bottom of the page and click or tap Update Preferences.

This setting affects pages that display lists of:

  • Messages
  • Topics
  • Files
  • Photos
  • Database table rows
  • Members
  • Hashtags

Note: The infinite scroll setting might not be usable on all pages (for example, database tables). In such cases, the items listed per page will revert back to 20 items.